Sunday, 14 June 2009


This is a difficult subject, because I'm not really sure about what I'm going to do, but I think it might be like this:

After I graduate as a Public Administrator with grades in Political Science, I will go to Europe to get some Masters and other postgrade degrees, then finished all my studies there I'll go around the world traveling at the same time that I work representing my country.

Then, near my 40's I will come back to Chile, to work in the goverment and do an important political career, so then at the nearest presidential election I will be a candidate, and then President. Afer my goverment (that is going to be the best ever), I will finally retire myself to a little house in New Zealand and live peacefully with my childrens and the love of my life.


Thursday, 28 May 2009

My Career

Hi guys!

Public administration is a career that has a very deep relation with the administration of the state and all what it suggest. I choose this career because of my ethic teacher, who told me about it and also say that I would do and awesome work on it. So I search about the career at Universidad de Chile (because it was my dream to study here), and I really love the courses so I decided that this was what I want for me to do in life.

My favorite thing about the career is that it would give me the oportunity to travel, and meet a lot of people, it will also give a chance to do something for my country (if I can be part of the political system). But that are things that will came in future, by now I love the History of chilean political institutions class, and the good friend that I have meet.

About things I don't like... well theres a few: Math and the infrastructure of the Palacio Matte; is very dangerous!, It's very beatiful (or it use to be), but it's too old and has a lot of probles, as the floor or the stair.



Thursday, 14 May 2009

This photograph has about 2 or 3 years, was taken during a very long trip in Los Angeles ( in Chile of course). I was gettin' bored inside the car so I start a photoshot session. I think it represent part of my life, it look happy but also very calm and thoughful, just like me... and my life, and the hart by my side, represent this crazy and also wild side that I use to represe, but not anymore !, cuz' i do it for a long time. My life has been good, not perfect but I alwasys say that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, that is the way I see life, since ever. My family taught me to be always positive, but not for that inocent or stupid. I know that if you take a quick look over me, you will see that I'm like that... I think my life represent what I'am right now. I've got a great life, with some issues, problems, a lot of happines and some sad times, but life is good.



Thursday, 7 May 2009

My most precious posession

My most precios posession is a very beautiful ( and awesone!) gold made ring with a green little semi precious stone, that my grandparents give me at my graduation. Weeks before, I went with them to the jeweler to chose the ring, I like it, cuz it remaind me, I don't know exactly why, to my grandma.
It is very important to me, because, since I am conscience, they told me that the day I graduate, they would make me this gift, so when they... you know die, I would have something, more than my memories to remember them.
But they still alive, so for know I migth say that they are one of my most precios posession, but when they leave, this ring, I know it wont take their place, but will remaind me every conversation, story and moment that we share.



Thursday, 30 April 2009

Summer of 09'


My last vacations were the best ever !, cuz, usually I just went out with my family and get bored all summer, bus this year was different, I let my family do her stuff since I do mine.

It start at December, after the PSU, me and my group of friends start to hanging out every single day, pool partys, go out to dance, watch movies, barbecues, and a lot of things that we call "mambo!".

I forgot to tell you, guys, that, I stayed in Santiago all summer, I didn't went out of town. But I don't mind, it was pretty cool. It was a very hot summer, so weather was nice.

So now I'm going to tell you some of our "adventures" in cronologycal order ( not every one but the most memorables) :

"Elevate 09'"... the first big party to iniciate the new year, I went with my best friend and, at that time her "friend" ( you understand what I'm talkin' about don't you?), well the thing is that we start dancing at 1:00 am, and during the night I meet such a nice people ( guys mostly), so I dance a lot and with very good company, then I found out that at the same party were other of my friends so I went to say hi, and get lost... that was funny, cuz I start callin' by the celphone to my best friend ( Daniela the one who I told you in the last post), and she didn't understand were I was, so she told me to go somewhere and I did, but she wasn't there, and we lost about 2 hours looking for each other! and when we finally get together was like... oh ! there you are!, are you ok?, good then lets go dance...
After that a lot of things happen, and at 10:00 am, we call my parents to carry us.

"Pool Party at Daniela's house" I have a great memory of that day, it was that, I'm very fashion so I was very dresd up, and I say ok, I'm going to the pool, but I just want to get a littler wet... the thing is that I didn't know that the pool was very deep, and I go down to the first step and fall into the pool! with my sunglases and all my makeup screw up... you can imagene the faces of my friends laughing at me!.

"Rockola" my friends and I will never forget that night, it was a friend's b-day, and I forgot her gift, and in the disco were doing a competition... of "reggeton", so I tell her that, me participating in that will be her gift, so I went up stage, dance and win!... there is a video somewhere about that crazy night... my friend always says that because of my it has been her best birthday.

So there's a lot of storys I didn't talk you about... but you can aks if you wanna know, I love to talk about this summer, it was the best and I will never forget it, cuz I found truly friends during it.

xoxo ! ( I't would be good stop looking at Gossip Girl)


Friday, 24 April 2009

Hi guys !

Today I'm going to tell you about one of my best friends ( I have 3).

Her name is Daniela, I meet her at school when I was 12 years old, we didn't became friends instantly, it was matter of time, but since we grow old we became truly friends.

She has been by my side all these time, in good ones and bad ones, and in third year high school, I suffer a really bad accident, she took care of my at school and go visit at my home anytime she could.

The things I love about her is that she's always funny with a smile on her face, and that she usually take care of me.Since I know her, she has always have the same boyfriend, but now they broke up, so what I wish to her more than anything is to find a new special person in her life, that can make her happy.

What I don't always like about her, is that she is too responsible, and that she usually yell at me when I do something stupid or dangerous to myself.

Our best time together was this summer because, we hang up together more than any other summer, and make some fun things, like go on party and others that I wont tell.

That's all by now, maybe in othes post I may tell you some other stuff about this frienship

Xoxo! xD


Monday, 6 April 2009

About me

My name is Mª Fernanda, but I don't like the name María, and I also think that Fernanda is too long so you, my dear classmate know me as Fefi. I don't know what else you want to know, or if you are even interested, but wathever it is you can just ask me.

In this english class I hope, that I would increase all my skills, specialy grammar, cuz' i think is what i'm worst in... i would also like to learn new vocabulary, that's always fun, especially when you can practice. This are all my expectations by now.