Thursday, 28 May 2009

My Career

Hi guys!

Public administration is a career that has a very deep relation with the administration of the state and all what it suggest. I choose this career because of my ethic teacher, who told me about it and also say that I would do and awesome work on it. So I search about the career at Universidad de Chile (because it was my dream to study here), and I really love the courses so I decided that this was what I want for me to do in life.

My favorite thing about the career is that it would give me the oportunity to travel, and meet a lot of people, it will also give a chance to do something for my country (if I can be part of the political system). But that are things that will came in future, by now I love the History of chilean political institutions class, and the good friend that I have meet.

About things I don't like... well theres a few: Math and the infrastructure of the Palacio Matte; is very dangerous!, It's very beatiful (or it use to be), but it's too old and has a lot of probles, as the floor or the stair.



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