Thursday, 30 April 2009

Summer of 09'


My last vacations were the best ever !, cuz, usually I just went out with my family and get bored all summer, bus this year was different, I let my family do her stuff since I do mine.

It start at December, after the PSU, me and my group of friends start to hanging out every single day, pool partys, go out to dance, watch movies, barbecues, and a lot of things that we call "mambo!".

I forgot to tell you, guys, that, I stayed in Santiago all summer, I didn't went out of town. But I don't mind, it was pretty cool. It was a very hot summer, so weather was nice.

So now I'm going to tell you some of our "adventures" in cronologycal order ( not every one but the most memorables) :

"Elevate 09'"... the first big party to iniciate the new year, I went with my best friend and, at that time her "friend" ( you understand what I'm talkin' about don't you?), well the thing is that we start dancing at 1:00 am, and during the night I meet such a nice people ( guys mostly), so I dance a lot and with very good company, then I found out that at the same party were other of my friends so I went to say hi, and get lost... that was funny, cuz I start callin' by the celphone to my best friend ( Daniela the one who I told you in the last post), and she didn't understand were I was, so she told me to go somewhere and I did, but she wasn't there, and we lost about 2 hours looking for each other! and when we finally get together was like... oh ! there you are!, are you ok?, good then lets go dance...
After that a lot of things happen, and at 10:00 am, we call my parents to carry us.

"Pool Party at Daniela's house" I have a great memory of that day, it was that, I'm very fashion so I was very dresd up, and I say ok, I'm going to the pool, but I just want to get a littler wet... the thing is that I didn't know that the pool was very deep, and I go down to the first step and fall into the pool! with my sunglases and all my makeup screw up... you can imagene the faces of my friends laughing at me!.

"Rockola" my friends and I will never forget that night, it was a friend's b-day, and I forgot her gift, and in the disco were doing a competition... of "reggeton", so I tell her that, me participating in that will be her gift, so I went up stage, dance and win!... there is a video somewhere about that crazy night... my friend always says that because of my it has been her best birthday.

So there's a lot of storys I didn't talk you about... but you can aks if you wanna know, I love to talk about this summer, it was the best and I will never forget it, cuz I found truly friends during it.

xoxo ! ( I't would be good stop looking at Gossip Girl)


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