Thursday, 14 May 2009

This photograph has about 2 or 3 years, was taken during a very long trip in Los Angeles ( in Chile of course). I was gettin' bored inside the car so I start a photoshot session. I think it represent part of my life, it look happy but also very calm and thoughful, just like me... and my life, and the hart by my side, represent this crazy and also wild side that I use to represe, but not anymore !, cuz' i do it for a long time. My life has been good, not perfect but I alwasys say that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, that is the way I see life, since ever. My family taught me to be always positive, but not for that inocent or stupid. I know that if you take a quick look over me, you will see that I'm like that... I think my life represent what I'am right now. I've got a great life, with some issues, problems, a lot of happines and some sad times, but life is good.



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